In April 2021, PAG was awarded “Minority Enterprise Business of the Year” by ASIAN, Inc.

Founded in 1971, ASIAN Inc. is a Bay Area non-profit providing technical assistance and research to small businesses across 20 Northern California counties that supports Asian American and other socioeconomic minorities, particularly low- to moderate-income (LMI) communities with diverse multi-cultural and multi-linguistic needs. By assisting minorities by promoting their physical, economic and social development, ASIAN Inc. seeks to overcome systemic dependencies among these populations. The non-profit leader works with other nonprofits, businesses as well as governmental and philanthropic partners to advance social and economic equity, leverage public and private funding to meet the financing and technical assistance needs of emerging small businesses and facilitate affordable housing and sustainable homeownership.

  • ASIAN, INC. operates Minority Business Centers for the U.S. Department of Commerce (Minority Business Development Agency) and since 2007 has helped create and save over 4,000 jobs and generate over $3 billion in contracts and capital.
  • In 2020, the organization’s Business Division (Strategic Consulting, Certification Application Assistance, Starting and Expanding a Business, Procurement & Procurement Assistance and Funding & Access to Capital) delivered $111,350,069 in access to contracts, $74,622,929 in access to capital, created 720 jobs in businesses and served 1,683 minority business enterprises.
  • Worked to assist minority renters and homeowners. ASIAN, INC. is a U.S. HUD-Approved housing counseling agency and is one of the few organizations certified by the SF Mayor’s Office of
    Housing to qualify LMI residents for SF’s Below Market Rate (BMR) housing lottery.

Each fall, ASIAN Inc. identifies one Bay Area business to honor with the “Minority Enterprise Business of the Year” award with this year’s beneficiary, Priority Architectural Graphics. The award recognizes local Bay Area community leaders who exemplify the organization’s message “empowering diversity by creating opportunities“. Past awardees include Miguel Galarza, of Yerba Buena Construction and Rafael de la Cruz Jr of Bay Area Traffic Solutions.